all articles 15. January 2020

The 30 best sustainability blogs and podcasts (in German and English)

Sustainability and climate protection are THE topics that will keep us busy in this decade.

If we do not do everything we can now to ensure that (human) life on this planet has a future - when then?

But how do you begin living a more sustainable life? What are the options for stopping climate change? Which innovations will help to make the future more sustainable?

To help you get informed and inspiring answers to these and all sorts of questions about living more sustainably, we have put together a list of the best green blogs and podcasts for you - from websites on sustainable development, climate protection and innovation to very personal blogs by people who take readers on a journey to a more sustainable life and share their own experiences.

Get ready to take a dive into the blogosphere of inspiring activists, experts or just people doing their sustainable thing – it will leave you hungry for more!

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German language sustainability blogs and podcasts

Blogs and Websites

1) Peppermynta - The Eco Magazine

Behind the online magazine Peppermynta are the two bloggers Fenja Kramer, who founded Peppermynta in 2015, and Lara Keuthen. If you want to bring more sustainability into your life, you will find a lot of inspiration and interesting information on this beautifully designed blog. The two have specialised in fashion, beauty and lifestyle.

2) heylilahey (German + English)

At heylilahey, the  Berlin blogger Mia Marjanovic focuses on fair fashion, sustainability and more mindfulness in life. If you want to go deeper into the subject of sustainable fashion you should take a look at the Ethical Fashion Guide.

3) Mehr als Grünzeug

In her blog Mehr als Grünzeug (More than Green Stuff), blogger Jenni Hauwehde shares inspiration, tips and her personal experiences about fair fashion, natural cosmetics, zero waste and minimalism. But not everything in this beautifully designed blog is simply sunshine and roses. Jen's article (German) about her own very personal sustainability fails is also worth reading.


Anna Schunck and Marcus Werner do not mince their words either in their blog VIERTEL \ VOR (QUARTER \ TO). What we particularly like are their clear stance and critical questions about climate change and sustainability. The declared goal of the two bloggers: to stop climate change in cooperation with their readers.

5) Justine kept calm & went vegan

Fair fashion, sustainability and vegan recipes – that is what Justine Siegler's blog is all about. In the Austrian’s congenial, inspiring and informative blog posts, Justine shares her tips and experiences, and proves to be a true sustainability activist with her very clear stance.

6) Reset - Digital for Good (German and English)

For more than ten years, the Sustainability platform RESET has been all about digital-social and green innovations for sustainable development. Readers receive up-to-date and well-researched articles on climate change, environmental protection, green innovations and sustainable living.

7) Enorm Magazin 

This year, Enorm Magazine is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The magazine (online + print) focuses on "social business", i.e. sustainable and responsible innovative management. Topics are society, lifestyle, environment and economics.

8) Utopia 

News and know-how on sustainability issues - from health and fashion to energy, mobility, household and finance - can be found on the Utopia platform. In addition, there is a wealth of information and tips on more sustainable consumer behaviour and lifestyles.

9) Klimareporter° 

For those of you who want to stay up-to-date with the facts and figures on climate change and the energy transition, you are in good hands with the climate reporters. Founded in 2018, this independent online magazine provides daily reports, analyses, interviews and debates on the causes and consequences of climate change.

10) Zukunft Mobilität

Strategies, challenges and solutions for the future of transport and mobility are the subject of the award-winning blog Zukunft Mobilität by the Dortmund doctoral student Martin Randelhoff. With his blog, he wants to contribute to increasing the awareness of the challenges of tomorrow's mobility and to show alternatives and opportunities for sustainable and efficient mobility.

Green Podcasts

11) Ideen bewegen 

Ideen bewegen (ideas motivate) is the podcast for good news. In each episode, founder Nike Wessel talks to courageous people, visionaries, lateral thinkers and nonconformists about what drives them, what inspires them and where they get their courage from.

12) A Mindful Mess 

When Vienna based activist and podcaster Madeleine Alizadeh, also known as dariadaria, launched her podcast A Mindful Mess, she had already been blogging about fashion, sustainability and personal development for seven years. In the meantime, her podcast has moved from Soundcloud to Spotify’s exclusive program.

13) Graslutscher Podcast

The name of this podcast says it all - Graslutscher (Grass Lollipop). Not only because founder and podcaster Jan Hegenberg calls himself a "greedy (vegan) animal", but especially because he does his own thing in his very own style. Unfortunately there are not (yet) many episodes of the Graslutscher podcast. For those who want more, they can read Jan's blog of the same name.

14) Fairquatscht 

From fair fashion to sustainable investments and urban agriculture. The podcast Fairquatscht (Fair chat) examines the issue of sustainability from a wide variety of perspectives. For the necessary expertise, presenter Marisa Becker brings professionals to the microphone from the relevant subject areas for each new episode.

15) Mission Energiewende

Mission Energiewende (Mission: Energy Transition), available on, is an exciting and very informative podcast on climate change and new energy solutions in Germany. Together with his journalist colleagues, moderator and reporter Christian Eichler discusses the current situation regarding climate protection and energy, in Germany as well as globally.

English language blogs

Blogs and Websites

16) Treehugger 

The online platform Treehugger has set itself the task of bringing the subject of sustainability into the mainstream. With the latest daily news and information on design, lifestyle, technology, energy, science and business.

17) Eco Warrior Princess 

In 2010, Jennifer Nini - author, activist and certified organic farm owner – had already started the blog Eco Warrior Princess. This has now grown into a media company that discusses environmental protection, sustainable fashion, conscious economics, social justice, politics, feminism, wellness and green technology.

18) Grist 

Founded in 1999, the independent and non-profit news website and network Grist reports from around the world on issues such as clean energy, sustainable food, liveable cities, environmental justice and a better economy. The motto of the congenial website: "Don't freak out. Figure it out."

19) Green Biz 

On the website GreenBiz you can find well-researched and detailed articles daily on topics such as recycling management, energy, transport, sustainability and urban development. Its guiding vision is to use these articles and the ideas behind them to advance the discussions that are taking place at the interface between business, technology and sustainability.

20) Mother Nature Network 

Mother Nature Network is one of the world's most visited websites with news and information on environmental issues and responsible living. The topics range from family and travel, health and nutrition to social commitment.

21) Inhabitat 

Inhabitat was founded in 2005 by designer Jill Fehrenbacher as a forum for exploring new trends in the areas of green design, innovation, architecture and building. Since then it has developed into a website with a special focus on developments in environmental policy and technology as well as green architecture and design projects.

22) Off-Grid Guy 

It was a good 20 years ago that the Australian Michael Mobbs, also known as the off-grid guy, decided to disconnect his home from the grid and live self-sufficiently. Not somewhere out in the country, but in the heart of Sydney. In his blog he shares his experiences and knowledge about the sustainable refurbishment of town houses.

23) Sidewalk Labs

Sidewalk Labs, a sister company of Google, was founded in 2015 with the vision of combining forward-thinking urban design with cutting-edge technology to improve urban living. In its blog, the team behind Sidewalk Labs is concerned with current and visionary topics relating to urban life.

24) Going Zero Waste 

With Going Zero Waste, author and blogger Kathryn Kellog wants to break down the zero-waste lifestyle into a step-by-step process and thus make it easier for beginners in particular to get started. Her blog is full of tips and inspiration for a more responsible and sustainable way of living.

25) Melanin And Sustainable Style (MelaninASS) 

Originally an Instagram channel, founder Dominique Drakeford has developed Melanin And Sustainable Style – also #MelaninASS – into a platform that discusses topics such as sustainable development, social innovation and holistic living, focusing on the voices and successes of the "communities of colour".


26) Solvable

Solvable is an exciting and ever-optimistic podcast - created by the Rockefeller Foundation - in which leading innovators, humanists and policy makers talk about their thoughts on global challenges and how they tackle them. Moderated by, among others, Malcolm Gladwell, a global challenge is "solved" in each episode.

27) Sustainability Defined

Each episode of the podcast Sustainability Defined tries to get a little closer to a definition of sustainability. Every episode focuses on a single aspect of the topic, which the moderators discuss in detail with an expert.

28) City of the Future

In addition to their blog, Sidewalk Labs also have the exciting podcast called City of the Future, where topics relating to innovations and ideas for the city of the future are discussed.

29) Think: Sustainability 

Think: Sustainability is about practical action for a better planet. In each episode, presenter Julia Carr-Catzel explores the effects of consumerism on all areas of life and sets out to find initiatives, ideas and technologies for a sustainable future.

30) Climate One

In the podcast Climate One, founder Greg Dalton talks to climate scientists, politicians, activists and committed citizens about energy, the economy and the environment. Its main aim is to gather inspiring, credible and convincing background knowledge and to provide it to those who want to make a difference.

Which blogs and podcasts motivate you?

We are curious to know which blogs or podcasts inspire you to lead a sustainable life And we would love to hear your tips! Write to us at

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